Hot Mess Planner Girl Club

Hot Mess Planner Girl Club

What exactly is a “planner girl?”

In the midst of being deep down the #plannerlife rabbit hole, I’ve asked that question repeatedly. Can a schedule-detesting, leisure-loving, platinum card-carrying member of Club Hot Mess truly belong in the planner community?

Plan your life, your way.

Simply put, yes.

I am a planner girl because I love planners and organizing, to-do lists and productivity trackers, sticky notes and all the pens the gods so blessedly rain down on me… even when I fail hard at using any of it. I’m a beautiful hot mess; might as well embrace it.

I can’t really tell you how to get your sh*t together, but I can tell you about my latest attempts at doing just that. I’m a MASTER navel-ponderer (omphaloskepsis is my jam). Living your best life; staying focused on what matters most; thriving amidst mental health issues; Re-training your brain to get it together– If it involves becoming a better me, I’ve thought about it (immensely) and acted on it.

No, I can’t tell you how to plan and carry out your day to perfection. But I can most definitely tell you how to get closer and closer to your most joyous life. And best believe– there will be pretty pens, planners, and even a little splattered paint along the way.

p.s. If you googled omphaloskepsis, you are my people.

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